how do people know the Way?

(Adapted from Xunzi 21, "Undoing Fixation")

How do people know the Way?
I say: It is with the heart.
How does the heart know the Way?
I say: It is through emptiness, single-mindedness, and stillness.

At this time, I invite you to join me in reflecting on this question: What does emptiness, single-mindedness, and stillness mean to me?

The heart is never not holding something.
Yet, there is a state called being "empty."
The heart is never not two-fold.
Yet, there is a state called being "single-minded."
The heart is never not moving.
Yet, there is a state called being "still."

At this time, I invite you to join me in reflecting on these questions: What could it mean for my heart to hold something and yet be empty? To be two-fold yet single-minded? To be moving yet still?

To focus is to be holding something.
Yet, there is a state called being "empty."
Not to let what one is already holding harm what one is about to receive is called being empty.

Now I invite you to join me in considering something that is difficult to accept. Is there a way that I might be able to receive this thing, without letting the things I already hold harm what I am about to receive?

The heart is born and has awareness.
With awareness, there comes awareness of differences.
These differences are known at the same time, and when they are known at the same time, this is to be two-fold.
Yet, there is a state called being "single-minded."
Not to let one idea harm another idea is called being "single-minded."

Now I invite you to join me in considering a conflict in the heart. Is there a way I can hold two opposing ideas without harming what is good?

When the heart sleeps, then it dreams.
When it relaxes, then it goes about on its own.
When one puts it to use, then it forms plans.
Thus, the heart is never not moving.
Yet, there is a state called being "still."
Not to let dreams and worries disorder one's understanding is called being "still."

Now I invite you to freely contemplate any thoughts or feelings that the last few minutes have brought to mind. Is there a place within you where you can find stillness?

And now, a benediction.

(Also adapted from Xunzi 21)

One who knows the Way
and observes things by it,
who knows the Way
and puts it into practice,
is one who embodies the Way.

To be empty,
and still—this is called great clarity and brilliance.